
iPhone Ringtones

So I was perusing the iSmashPhone site and came across an article called How to Get Free iPhone Ringtones in Under One Minute. The site referred to is Audiko. You can either upload a song and then select a 40 sec. portion of the track as a ringtone or just download a pre-existing ringtone. Enjoy!

[via iSmashPhone]


iTips for the iPhone

So I just recently got an iPhone and am just loving it, but there is a wee bit of a learning curve. I found a site with about 20 (must know!) tips for users new to the iPhone experience.

[via iSmashPhone]


I can't believe Austin wasn't affected!

Evacuees came to Austin fleeing Ike in the Gulf of Mexico. I thought for sure that Austin would have to endure high winds and heavy rainfall, but we got only a few sprinkles. The Boston Globe has some really beautiful and heart wrenching pics of the distruction of Hurricane Ike. Now the rebuilding process begins for the evacuees.

Donation Sites:
Austin Capital Area Food Bank of Texas
American Red Cross
Salvation Army

"In its brief lifespan of only 13 days, Hurricane Ike wreaked great deal of havoc. Affecting several countries including Cuba, Haiti, and the United States, Ike is blamed for approximately 114 deaths (74 in Haiti alone), and damages that are still being tallied, with estimates topping $10 billion. Many shoreline communities of Galveston, Texas were wiped from the map by the winds, storm surge and the walls of debris pushed along by Ike - though Galveston was spared the level of disaster it suffered in 1900."
- Boston Globe

[via Digg]


How to keep the remaining herd alive?

As I get older, my mortality becomes more prevalent. I am trying to live healthier as I grow older to delay the inevitable. One thing that I am trying to preserve is my brain power. EcoSalon.com has a good article on brain food.

"On a deadline? Need to rally? Avoid the soda, vending machine snacks and tempting Starbucks pastries and go for these powerful brain boosters instead. The path to a bigger, better brain is loaded with Omega-3 fats, antioxidants, and fiber. Give your brain a kick start: eat the following foods on a daily or weekly basis for results you will notice."
- EcoSalon.com

[via Digg]


Real Men Where a Goatee

The GoateeSaver has got to be a time saver. I totally enjoy my goatee, but I hate getting the sides straight and even when it has grown out too long. I also usually shave the whole thing off, if I booger up the sides as well. Then all of the chubby kid jokes come out of the wood work.

[via Gizmodo]

Robotics, Say What? BigDog!

BigDog is a level of robotics like I have never seen. Not that I see a lot of robotics in a typical day, but Boston Dynamics is doing some stuff with robotics that is off the hook!

"BigDog has an on-board computer that controls locomotion, servos the legs and handles a wide variety of sensors. BigDog’s control system manages the dynamics of its behavior to keep it balanced, steer, navigate, and regulate energetics as conditions vary. Sensors for locomotion include joint position, joint force, ground contact, ground load, a laser gyroscope, and a stereo vision system. Other sensors focus on the internal state of BigDog, monitoring the hydraulic pressure, oil temperature, engine temperature, rpm, battery charge and others."
- Boston Dynamics


Evolution of Olympic Torches

The NY Times has an interactive collection of the Olympic Torches. My have times changed and so has the Olympic Torch.

"Commemorating the theft of fire from the Greek god Zeus by Prometheus, its origins lie in ancient Greece, when a fire was kept burning throughout the celebration of the ancient Olympics. The fire was reintroduced at the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam, and it has been part of the modern Olympic Games ever since. The torch relay of modern times which transports the flame from Greece to the various designated sites of the games had no ancient precedent and was introduced by Carl Diem, with the support of Joseph Goebbels, at the controversial Berlin Olympics as a means to promote Nazi ideology."
- Wikipedia

[via Gizmodo]

Playing Fetch w/an Eagle

It's not evryday that you witness someone playing fetch with an 8ft. eagle. It comes with a price, but you'll have to watch the video to see what I mean. Pretty freakin' cool!

[via Digg]


Smart Arse Pen

The LiveScribe Smart Pen is something that I wish I would have had when I started my Master's program. The Gadgeteer has a very thorough review of the LiveScribe Smart Pen.

Very easy to use
Records audio and ink
Can search for written words in text
Can share notes with others
Have to use special paper with the pen"

- The Gadgeteer

[via The Gadgeteer]

I See Bad People

CrimnalSearches.com is an interesting site. A previous blog, Family Watch Dog + Google Maps, talks about a site to find sex offenders in your neighborhood. It's interesting just to see who and where peeps who have been caught doing bad are in your neighborhood.

[via Lifehacker]

/* Cool Tool Whatchamacallits */

I haven't posted a Cool Tool Whatchamacallits in a while, but I do keep track of all of the good stuff coming out of CoolTools. Here are the last twenty CoolTools that I marked as favorites.

  1. CliC Readers
  2. Strap-A-Handle
  3. Bemis Easy-Clean Toilet Seat
  4. Sleeptracker Pro
  5. IKEA Frost Drying Rack
  6. SpeediBleed
  7. Bod-i-Bag
  8. MacKissic Mighty Mac Chipper Shredder
  9. Scoop Clip
  10. BodyGlide
  11. Black & Decker Accu Mark Level
  12. It's All Too Much
  13. Multi-Use Car Charger
  14. Topeak Turbo Morph Bike Pump
  15. Gamma Seal Lid
  16. Roku + Netflix
  17. StrollAway
  18. Bivanorak
  19. Yamuna Body Rolling Footsavers
  20. Fluke Voltage, Continuity & Current Tester
[via CoolTools]


Xobni Integrates with LinkedIn

I just re-installed Xobni with LinkedIn integration and it's NICE!

"Xobni, the email startup that we’ve described as “The Superplugin for Outlook”, has partnered with LinkedIn to automatically pull contact information from the popular professional network. Xobni will now draw from public profiles on the LinkedIn network, displaying information about contacts’ employers, job titles, and pictures as part of the plugin’s sidebar."
- TechCrunch

[via TechCrunch]



George Denis Patrick Carlin (May 12, 1937 – June 22, 2008)

George Carlin passed away 06-22-2007, Sunday of heart failure at age 71. He was an American icon and will be missed.

Known as the guy who took black humor and beat the crap out of it, then introduced it to drugs and porn, and then took it around the country for a series of unbelievably insulting stand up shows, Carlin also left a footprint on the media. Having ridiculed television for the seven dirty words you can’t hear on TV (and getting arrested for obscenity several times), he reached unprecedented fandom on the Internet, where thousands of kids were delighted to hear the dirty old man telling it like it is.

Here’s a short selection of George Carlin’s best YouTube flicks. If you’re a fan, I know you’ll enjoy them; if you’re one of the uninitiated, well, better late than never.

- Mashable.com

[via Digg]


UV or Not UV, That's the Question

Determine how much UV you are getting on your day at the beach with the Portable UV Monitor from the GadgetShop.

"The UV monitor gives pretty detailed analysis and determines how much exposure you shall get based on your skin type. If you use some kind of suncream for your skin, you can also input to the device to let it know what the SPF level is. And it’ll analyze everything for you, and work out an optimal exposure time for you to ensure that you don’t get sunburn."
- Techchee.com

[via Gizmodo]


Gravity Defying Houses

Check out hese Houses defying gravity photo gallery. Some would be ertty cool to live in and some are just a little too weird.


Mobile TV Guide is Enabling TV Addicts

What time is the season finale for L.O.S.T.? How can I find out quickly? Well Handmark has TV Guide Mobile for you to answer tv viewing questions.



I can't even imagine how long it took to make this short film. You have to see it to believe it!

"The new short film by Blu an ambiguous animation painted on public walls. Made in Buenos Aires and in Baden (fantoche)"
- Vimeo.com


Windows XP SP3, What is it good for?

So what is Windows XP SP3 all about? Well the biggest item I could see besides a rollup of security and update patches is Network Access Protection (NAP).

"NAP is a policy enforcement platform built into Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows XP SP3 with which you can better protect network assets by enforcing compliance with system health requirements. Using NAP, you can create customized health policies to validate computer health before allowing access or communication; automatically update compliant computers to ensure ongoing compliance; and optionally confine noncompliant computers to a restricted network until they become compliant. For more information about NAP, see Network Access Protection: Frequently Asked Questions.""
- Microsoft

Before installing, I would reccommend reading over the "950717 Steps to take before you install Windows XP Service Pack 3". I installed it with no hiccups. The biggest item that I saw was about Internet Explorer (IE). If you want to be able to go backwards to IE6 after installing SP3, then make sure that you uninstall IE7 or IE8 before installing SP3, so that your currently installed IE version is 6.

"Microsoft recommends that users who want to retain the ability to downgrade from IE7 to IE6 should uninstall the former before upgrading to XP SP3. Once Windows XP has been updated to SP3, users can then install IE7 and if necessary, later restore IE6. IE8 Beta 1 users should also uninstall the preview before upgrading"
- ITWorld.com

Another good FAQ site for SP3 is WinSuperSite.com.


Samsung Instinct, Me Like-eee!!!

So SPRINT is trying to come out with an iPhone Killer. The Samsung Instinct looks pretty slick. I currently have the PPC-6700 with the Spb Mobile Shell v.2.0 GUI. I like it a lot! I have also seen Touch Commander that looks pretty swank for the PPC-6700.

[via CrunchGear]


Fuel Saving Tips

CNN has an article "How to lower the pain at the pump" that has 6 tips on how to be frugal when it comes to gasoline. I had posted an article on GasBuddy.com, but I think GasPriceWatch.com is a little better. The 6 tips that the CNN article gives are:

  1. Find the cheapest gas stations in your area
  2. The type of gas station makes a difference
  3. What time you get to the pump
  4. Driving style
  5. Air cents
  6. Use the right gas

[via Digg]


Super Hero Color Schemes

A compilation of Super Hero color schemes has been compiled by abduzeedo.com.

"Gold symbolizes: Wealth, prosperity, wisdom

Blue symbolizes: youth, spirituality, truth, peace"
- crystal-cure.com

[via Digg]


Live Search Mobile

So a buddy of mine and I were looking for a copy of Army of Two to rent and he whipped out his Windows Mobile Device and started looking up all of the Blockbuster Videos in our area. 10 minutes later we were at a Blockbuster Video renting Army of Two. I asked what he was using to look up the Blockbuster Videos' phone numbers so fast and he said that he was using Live Search Mobile. I immediately loaded it this morning!


Is Spokeo Okee-Doe-Kee?

So is privacy an issue of the past or are we just on social networks oblivious to what we post about ourselves? Spokeo offers a service that will find and track information based off of a person's email. Granted the information that Spokeo tracks is public information, but non the less, it is a little creepy and intriguing. You login with either your aol, gmail, hotmail or yahoo email address and it pulls in everyone from your contact list and starts tracking them across the following networks:

  • 43 Things
  • Amazon
  • Bebo
  • Blogger
  • Buzznet
  • dailymotion
  • deviantART
  • Digg
  • Flickr
  • Flixster
  • Fotolog
  • Friendster
  • Hi5
  • iLike
  • imeem
  • Last.fm
  • LinkedIn
  • LiveJournal
  • Multiply
  • MySpace
  • Netlog
  • Pandora
  • PhotoBucket
  • Picasa
  • PictureTrail
  • Slide
  • Stumbleupon
  • Twitter
  • Upcoming
  • Veoh
  • Vox
  • WebShots
  • Windows Live Spaces
  • Xanga
  • Yahoo! Videos
  • Yelp
  • YouTube
  • Facebook Notes & Shares
  • More networks being added every day!
Social networks and the whole Web 2.0 craze has changed the Internet and also how we are being viewed. Be aware of how you are being viewed.


Cool Photoshop-ed Pics

I wish I wasn't graphically design challenged, meaning that I wish I could utilize Photoshop to manipulate images any way I wish. The pics listed on Vertus Fluid Mask. Another cool site for amazing Photoshop-ed pics is Worth1000.com.

[via Digg]

Winodws Password Cracker

So I used OphCrack last night to get into a laptop that I forgot all of the user passwords. It worked like a charm. It was easy as abc...

a. download the OphCrack iso image
b. burn the OphCrack iso image to cd
c. boot into OphCrack cd.

[via About.com]


Miss any of the Super Bowl XLII commercials?

AOL Sports has all of the Super Bowl XLII commercials by quarter. So if you were face down in a bowl of queso trying to save a broken chip or rocking out to Rock Band, then you can get back what you missed.


XOBNI - It's inbox backwards.

I have been using Xobni with Outlook for about 2 months and I am hooked on it. The features I use the most are search, user specific analytics and attachment history. Occasionally I will use the email threading feature as well.

[via LifeHacker]

/* Cool Tool Whatchamacallits */

I haven't posted a Cool Tool Whatchamacallits in a while, but I do keep track of all of the good stuff coming out of CoolTools. Here are the last twenty CoolTools that I marked as favorites.

  1. AO LED Safety Glasses
  2. Rules of Thumb
  3. Eagle Creek All-Terrain Money Belt
  4. Scooba Floor Scrubber
  5. Balikbayan Box Cover
  6. Doc Allen's VersaTool
  7. Panasonic Blood Pressure Monitor
  8. Utrition Liquid Vitamins
  9. Headsweats Coolmax Skullcap
  10. FuBar Demolition Tool
  11. Halo Headband
  12. Black Stallion Cowhide Welding Jacket
  13. Millepede Cable Ties
  14. Peltor Kid Earmuffs
  15. Schroeder Hand Drill
  16. Apex Mechanical Pencil
  17. Cox Wexford Caulk Gun
  18. Wi-Fire Range Extender
  19. Plan Station Portable Workstation
  20. Calisto Pro Hands-Free Phone System
[via CoolTools]


Walk...Don't Run

Excitement is creating as 2008 unfolds. IGN.com is feeding the frenzy by listing the XBOX 360 Most Anticipated Games of 2008.









Here are the games I am looking forward to in 2008:
4-Mar-08 Army of Two Electronic Arts Action
11-Mar-08 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Ubisoft Shooter
25-Mar-08 Viking: Battle for Asgard SEGA Action
1-Apr-08 Halo 3 Heroic Map Pack II Microsoft Shooter
1-Apr-08 Tom Clancy's EndWar Ubisoft Strategy
29-Apr-08 Grand Theft Auto IV Rockstar Games Action
TBA 2008 Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, The Vivendi Games Shooter
TBA 2008 Unreal Tournament III Midway Games Shooter


Microcar Defends Against Roller-Skating Ninjas

Now this is just WEIRD! How to Escape Microcar-Attacking Ninjas on Roller Skates is quite the video. This video takes Saturday afternoon KungFu to a whole new level.

[via Digg]

Coffee Snobs of the World Unite

As I drink more coffee, I am more particular about it. I got a french press for my birthday and it has brought coffee to a whole new level. I am also thinking of roasting my own beans to get closer and closer to freshness. Check out what Moertel has to say about good coffee.

[via Digg]


Online Cell Phone Migrator for New Phones

Well if you got a new cell phone for Christmas, then igotanewphoneforchristmas.com can help transfer your contacts. Sweet!

[via Geek.com]

AVG Pro for FREE

The title SAYS it all!

"AVG Pro usually goes for $29.95, but Computeract!ve is giving away free licensed copies through Jan 17, 2008. Good luck getting their download link to work, but fortunately CyberNet has pointed us to a couple of mirrors."
- DownloadSquad

[via DownloadSquad]

Secunia Insecure Application Notifier

I tried out Secunia to see what software that I had that was not the most patched version. The first past of the Secunia scan showed about a dozen applications. Secunia also has wizard updaters for most of the outdated apps as well to make updates even easier for non-technical users. LifeHacker also had links to updaters such as File Hippo Update Checker and UpdateStar.

[via Geek.com] [via LifeHacker]