
Xobni Integrates with LinkedIn

I just re-installed Xobni with LinkedIn integration and it's NICE!

"Xobni, the email startup that we’ve described as “The Superplugin for Outlook”, has partnered with LinkedIn to automatically pull contact information from the popular professional network. Xobni will now draw from public profiles on the LinkedIn network, displaying information about contacts’ employers, job titles, and pictures as part of the plugin’s sidebar."
- TechCrunch

[via TechCrunch]


Wake and Bake, DUDE!

The Food Dudes keep it real with a series of cooking videos on Eat Drink or Die. They have recipes such as steak and eggs, the one eyed willie, thomas' mcmuffin, "kosher our way" bacon egg bagel and jon's dirty maple sausage gravy.

[via Digg]


George Denis Patrick Carlin (May 12, 1937 – June 22, 2008)

George Carlin passed away 06-22-2007, Sunday of heart failure at age 71. He was an American icon and will be missed.

Known as the guy who took black humor and beat the crap out of it, then introduced it to drugs and porn, and then took it around the country for a series of unbelievably insulting stand up shows, Carlin also left a footprint on the media. Having ridiculed television for the seven dirty words you can’t hear on TV (and getting arrested for obscenity several times), he reached unprecedented fandom on the Internet, where thousands of kids were delighted to hear the dirty old man telling it like it is.

Here’s a short selection of George Carlin’s best YouTube flicks. If you’re a fan, I know you’ll enjoy them; if you’re one of the uninitiated, well, better late than never.

- Mashable.com

[via Digg]


UV or Not UV, That's the Question

Determine how much UV you are getting on your day at the beach with the Portable UV Monitor from the GadgetShop.

"The UV monitor gives pretty detailed analysis and determines how much exposure you shall get based on your skin type. If you use some kind of suncream for your skin, you can also input to the device to let it know what the SPF level is. And it’ll analyze everything for you, and work out an optimal exposure time for you to ensure that you don’t get sunburn."
- Techchee.com

[via Gizmodo]


Gravity Defying Houses

Check out hese Houses defying gravity photo gallery. Some would be ertty cool to live in and some are just a little too weird.