
/* Jolly Roger */

I have come across some really cool stuff, but just don't have time to blog it all right now. Here is the last 25 RSS articles I have marked in GoogleReader.


HALO 2 Blastacular Map Pack

Halo 2 is making a come back with 2 new maps being released today in the blastacular map pack on XBL. This is a nice prelude to the Halo 3 Beta being released in May.

[via IGN]



WOW! I actually maintained a blog a whole year! What did I post a year ago? Check it out.

What will year #2 bring? I hope to redesign the layout and add a couple more writers, but we'll see what happens.


/* Bi-Weekly Twisted Recap */

Well tomorrow is my year anniversary and I am very pleased with myself for hanging in there for a year. It is a blast having a blog and thanks to everyone who peruses it.









XBOX360 Qwerty Keyboard for Controller

Don't give me a qwerty attachment and Live Messenger for my XBX 360 cause it will be on like Donkey-Kong. Check out what XBOX.com has to say about it.

[via Engadget]


Pimp That Snack

So if a king size Snickers is not big enough, then PimpThatSnack has a workaround for you.

[via Digg]


Sculptures from Computer Parts and Such

Art forms from recycled computer or electronic parts is a cool idea. Burrowburrow, Ueba and MAKE Magazine have some cool art project resulting from this idea.

[via TechEBlog]

Christians and Technology

With Good Friday and Easter upon us, I thought it would be good to post some technology related to religion thangs I have come across the past couple of days. TutorialBlog that has a Top 10 Church & Religious Websites. GodTube is a site for Christians to post videos. MyChurch.org is a social site (like FaceBook) for Christians to have online community. Bible Knowledge Goood! is a post I did about BibleGateway.com which is an online Bible reference site. As a Christian, it is good to see technology being used to promote Christ.

[via Digg]
[via TechCrunch]


Finally Pulled the Trigger on a Bluetooth Headset

Well I finally pulled the trigger and bought the Plantronics Discovery 640E bluetooth headset. It has the option of just an earbud style (earbuds suck), but it also has an ear loop which is thin and unobtrusive. The sound was good. I was driving down the highway last night using it and could hear and be heard perfectly. The 640E also has a cool AAA battery charger feature that allows you to boost the talk time from 4 hours to 15 hours. I have had a hard time finding accessories for this headset. I like the feel, it was super easy to partner with my phone and the sound quality is clear. So far, so good!


Nice Bunny Paper Toys

Cool paper bunny toys can be found at NiceBunny.com. You can get a paper bunny Tagger, DJ or Samurai.

[via MAKE Magazine]

Spring is in the Air

It is spring and it is one of my favorite times of the year. It's also the time of year to do spring cleaning, get the lawn and garden underway and have a garage sale. LifeHacker has some great tips on each of these items that will make life a little easier.

[via LifeHacker]

Perfect Expresso

Over the last 4 years I have become a huge fan of coffee. When I say huge fan, what I really mean is that I am addicted to caffeine and have some knowledge of good coffee. A co-worker sent me this article on expresso. You might be saying to yourself, well do you drink coffee or expresso? I think both! I have recently been turned onto coffee with a shot of expresso. Man what a rush. This article from David Lebovitz made me think I am approaching this whole coffee-express thang wrong. I do like good tasting coffee and specifically like kohna and sumatra blends, but my favorite brand is Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee - Blue Mountain Blend whole bean coffee. Maybe I will ponder as I finish my coffee. ;-)