
Where to eat vegetarian?

Found a vegetarian restaurant locator in the digg entry for the Random Restaurant Selector. Put in your address and it gives you a list of veggie places to go graze. ;-)

[via Digg]

Dr. Lunch

Found this site in the comments of the digg entry for the Random Restaurant Selector. It is called DrLunch.com and it is used to select lunch based upon a group's preferences.

"When the time comes to pick a location for lunch each day, rather than the usual arguments and anguish, you simply log into Dr.Lunch, pick which people are going, and our patent pending "suggestion engine technology" will choose the ideal restaurant (for that day and those users) from the list your group has built. No more asking "where should we go for lunch?" no more cries of "what should we eat today?" just unadulterated gustatory bliss."
- DrLunch.com

[via Digg]

Random Restaurant Selector

This is a cool site when it is working. It helps select random restaurants based upon your area code.

UPDATE: Of course Restaurant.com is a very good site for locating restaurants in general.

[via Digg]

Vibe Streamer

"Vibe Streamer is a free MP3 streaming server that allows you to connect and stream your music using only a standard web browser. - Play your music anywhere!"
- VibeStreamer

[via Digg]


40 Years of the X-Men Collector's Edition Win/Mac [DVD]

"Over 485 complete printable comics, cover to cover, that’s over 17,500 pages. All X-MEN comic books from September 1963 through August 2005, including debut issue."
- Amazon.com

[via Digg]

Kayak - Plane Airfare Locator

I use Orbitz to find cheap airline tickets, but I am going to start using Kayak.com.

[via LifeHacker]

Fitness Answers

Want answers to fitness questions? HealthAtoZ.com might be able to help.

[via UrbanEola]


Color Design

Colors can be used to create moods, associations, etc., so what are the right colors to use when designing your web site? Blue-anvil has a cool article on the uses of colors and some good ways to pick color combos.

[via Digg]

Test Drive MS Office 2007

If you would like to preview the MS Office 2007 Beta, then you just need to have a hotmail account and fill out a short survey.

[via Digg]

Tossable Digits

"Do you wish you never would have given your number to that last eBay or Craigslist buyer? Did you give a number to someone at the bar only to regret it the next day? Do you want your phone number to remain anonymous? If you answer yes to these questions, then you may want to consider getting a temporary phone number from Tossable Digits."
- Geek.com

[via Geek.com]


Simple, concise IQ Test

How smart are you? This simple test will give you an idea.

[via Digg]

40 things you don't know about Superman?

Can this be true? Is this a conspiracy to ruin Superman? Why are they telling these lies days before the release?

[via XXX]

Science and eBay Sniping

eBay sniping is scientifically proven to be successful! I told ya it works.

[via SlashDot]

Caffeine Database

"This is the most complete list of caffeine that I know of. If you know something better, let me know, I’ll add it! I want this to be the resource that everyone uses."
- EnergyFiend.com

[via Digg]

Laptop with Dual Monitors

I am changing my home office setup from a desktop to a laptop and wanted to know what solutions were available, if I decided to keep my dual monitor setup.I found three sites that were useful for configuration, software solution and hardware solution.


SprayGrahic Clothing

Some people look at clothing a a way to express themselves. SprayGraphics allows that to happen with.

[via UrbanEola]

Filtering Water Bottle Concept

Nalgene water bottles...eat your hearts out. I would so buy this water bottle.

Google Tutor

Google Cheats was a cool blog entry, but GoogleTutor is the real resource.

[via LifeHacker]

Sound Bits

A while back I had a blog entry talking about Smoking Fonts and Icons. I came across SoundDogs.com that provides sound bites (no pun intended.)

[via Digg]

Battle of the Free Email

So what online email provider do you use? Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail are currently battling it out and guess who is winning? Inquiring minds at the Inquirer have weighed in on their rankings.

[via Digg]


Online Data Storage Reviews

I had a blog entry on Online Digital Repositories a while back. PCWorld has come out with a current review of online data storage sites.

[via SlashDot]

King of the Hill for "Online Photo Sharing Site"

Who has the leading market share for Online Photo Sharing? Well the outcome is surprising. I, like most, would have thought that Flickr was ranked higher.

[via Digg]

Homeless Guy Blog

I don't want to turn this blog into politics or morals, but I thought this was pretty cool and insightful into the homeless situation.

[via Digg]

Car Sitter

America is an entrepreneur's land of opportunity. I know that is stating the obvious, but a fella figured out how to make money off of commuters in order for them (commuter) to be able to ride in the HOV lane. He is that extra person needed to be in the HOV lane. WOW! Why didn't I think of that?

[via Digg]



I had a blog entry about the reference sites I use to help my weak brain. I recently perused a new site, UrbanDictionary.com, and have used it to look up slang, hip terms or buzzwords.

Widgets Gallery

Widgets: n.
• A small mechanical device or control; a gadget.
• An unnamed or hypothetical manufactured article.

[Perhaps alteration of gadget.]

[via UrbanEola]


Online Database of Comic Books

An online database of comic books is just what the doctor ordered. Does life get any better?

[via Digg]

Oops, I mean UPS.

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is something in the back of my mind that I know I need, but just haven't gotten around to implementing to fortify my home office.

[via Digg]



Do you own a handheld device of some sort and want to keep it protected, but still show it off at the same time? ActiveCase provides just that type of functionality.

[via Geek.com]

Airport Services

Have you ever been stuck at an airport and didn't know what business services they provided? This USAToday article discusses lists business services provided by major airports.

[via LifeHacker]

How to be a Global Local Yocal

I have never traveled outside of the US, but it would be nice not to be ethnocentric when traveling abroad. There is also an article by GetCustoms.com that has some good tips when respecting other cultures while traveling globally.

[via LifeHacker]

How Windows XP boots up

Ever wonder what is going on when Windows XP is booting up after you power on your computer? I knew some of the details, but never quite all of what is happening.

[via Digg]


Trip Preparation

eHow.com has a list of about everything you need to think about when preparing for a trip. I usually just procrastinate pack the night before. It reduces the stress.

eBay Sniping

I am not sure I should be sharing this wonderful piece of information with ya'll since I have had much success with it, but who reads this blog anyways...LOL. ;-) JustSnipe.com is an eBay sniping software that allows you to bid within the last few seconds of an eBay auction.

"We are an online service provider that helps you to place bid orders at the last moment before the auction on eBay is closed--known as auction sniper. With our software application and powerful servers, you can setup the target items at any time and it will just snipe them for you."
- JustSnipe.com

What do Wetpaint and wikis have in common?

Wetpaint is a site that will allow any user to create a wiki site on any subject. There are currently all types of subject matter sites that range from BBQ to worst album covers.

[via TechCrunch]

PC Maintenance Utilities

PCWorld has an article of 20 low cost utilities for your PC that range from file managers to performance enhancers.

[via Digg]


Craig's List has Expanded

Craig's List has expanded to include a lot more cities and they are organized by state as well.

[via Digg]

IE Security - Allow Paste Operations via Script

Javascript executed on a web paged viewed with Internet Explorer can pull the text from your clipboard. Learn how to disable this feature.

[via Digg]

Financial News

PCWorld quotes HitWise with the following ranking...

  1. Yahoo Finance
  2. MSN Money
  3. CNN Money

[via Digg]


Vacation Gadgets

If you are going on vacation, then you got to have some of the c|net suggested vacation gadgets.

[via Digg]

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

In 2008 Bill Gates will step down as Chief Software Architect of Microsoft. Him and his wife plan to spend more time with their charity foundation, GatesFoundation.org. Taking a step from world domination of technology to global philanthropy...WOW! Read the Microsoft press release if you don't believe me.

[via Geek.com]


Amazon Groceries

Order non-perishable goods through Amazon from the comfort of your own home.

At Amazon Grocery, you'll find longtime staples, from Kellogg's to Jiffy Pop. You'll find new entries, such as Kashi cereals and Kraft Easy Mac microwavable snack packets. And when we carry a brand, we'll try to carry every flavor available: not just the most popular flavors of Jell-O, but all flavors, from apricot to wild strawberry and the 70 flavors in-between. We're also making regional favorites like Andy Capp Hot Fries available nationwide, and making hard-to-find specialties like Zico Pure Coconut Water a standard part of our mix.

We also have an extensive selection of natural and organic products. If you haven't heard of Immaculate Baking Company or Bear Naked, let us be the first to introduce you to these earth-friendly brands and their fantastic products."
- Amazon

[via LifeHacker]

WI-FI in the park?

Well if you are camping to get away from it all, then I am not sure why you would need WI-FI. In case you need that fix of email, late night internet surfing or to check the webcam back at the house, then TravelPost has a possible WI-FI finder.

[via Lifehacker]


Vongo is like NetFlix or Blockbuster Online except you actually download unlimited movies to your computer for a small price. You have to download the Vongo software and then start downloading. Search by title, genre, popularity and more. It also tailors suggested movies based off of you picks. It also has a PPV for newer movies. The download is yours.

[via Engadget]


Lunch Money Calculator

Eating lunch out with co-workers or friends is the best way for me to keep up networking for career and personal relationships. The "eating out" budget line item is also the one I have the hardest meeting. This calculator puts it in perspective now if I can just keep my line item in perspective.

Marketplace Money has a cool lunch mony calculator as well with chart and report.

[via LifeHacker]

How do search engine spiders see the world?

Ever wonder how search engine spiders see the world of the internet? DLPrerry.com has a tool to show you what most search engine spiders can report back.

[via Digg]


Health Tips

The article "Health Tips by Dr. Don Colbert" has some categories of general health guidelines for diet and health. Some are common sense and some are guidelines I never knew or thought of.

[via LifeHack [via LifeHacker]]

I'm sorry, could you repeat that?

"Most humans are born with the ability to hear frequencies from about 20 Hz (low) up to 20,000 Hz (high) but that range shrinks as we get older. A guy in England figured that meant kids can hear things adults can't - specifically, very high frequencies. He created a device that pulses an annoying tone at about 15,000 Hz with the idea that when the device is used, it will repel kids while being unnoticed by adult. Perfect for solving that youth-loitering problem you've been having in front of your shop."
- ochenk.com

[via Digg]


Mosquito Ringtone

The "Mosquito" ringtone is audible to younger folk and is being used by teenagers in classrooms, so that teachers do not know when their phones are ringing. Move over "Crazy Frog" ringtone the "Mosquito" ringtone is the new annoying ringtone in town.

[via Digg]

Farmer Market Locator

If you like fresh organic veggies and meat, then the farmer's market is usually the place to go. The USDA site has a farmer's market locator. See what's near you.

[via LifeHacker]